The Blog Candy Winners!!.... are.........
Here are your random numbers:8 Timestamp: 2009-03-24 22:49:25 UTC ...................Tammi
Tammi said... Wow, amazing blog candy Ila! Congrats on your hits, you have an awesome blog, I just love coming here and looking at your beautiful creations! Thanks for the chance to win! (In case I do, I'm leaving on vacation and won't be back online until the 29th).I have many Easter cravings, lol, but def. love the Reese's Eggs...and the Milky Way Bunnies! I think I'll go eat one now! ;) Yum!
Here are your random numbers:134 Timestamp: 2009-03-24 23:22:44 UTC ................ Kelly
Kelly Schelske said... Yay Ila! Your blog is outstanding no wonder the hit counter is going crazy!! My fav would definitely be Reese's PB eggs, so much better tahtn cups...not sure why, but I love 'em!!Linked to you on my sidebar as well:-)Have a super weeekend,Kelly
Thank you all so much for entering this candy....answering the question and your lovely comments!!....I've enjoyed reading about all the Easter much...that I had to stop at the store yesterday and pick up some peanut butter eggs, marshmallow chocolate coated eggs.....and malted candy coated Robins Eggs. ...Yum!...Now I am just waiting for some hot cross buns to hit our grocery
__________________________________________________________________ I am amazed at how fast that counter keeps going up.....and very Thankful for your Comments and your visits!!.....To celebrate (with the generous help of High Hopes) I am offering two separate candies.....
For the 2nd candy I will mail out these Fabulous High Hopes Bunnies - as shown in the above photo.
Everyone is welcome to enter. If you would like to spread the word that would be Wonderful but is not a requirement to enter. I do however have a question for you all......What is your favorite Easter craving?? it candy or food.
I am only going to run this candy till Monday night....I will announce the winner on Tuesday March 24. Easter is on its way and I want to get these mailed out quickly thereafter.
Good Luck Everyone!! and Thanks again!!!
1 – 200 of 378 Newer› Newest»lovely candy! My favourite easter treat here in australia must be the choc chip hot cross buns. :)
Hi Ila!! I hope you are well. Let's favorite Easter food is Pistaccio (is that how you spell it??) Salad. It's delish. :) Have a good week!
What FUN blog candy! My favorite Easter thing is chocolate covered marshmallow bunnies!(not peeps yuck!)
I would so love the win these HH stamps...they are just darling and I always look forward to the inspiration you give when you post your HH creations!
I LUV candy..........even if it does widen the hips.......LOL. My favorite Easter Candy would have to be coconut eggs.......similar to the pan eggs but with a coconut filling.......VERY hard to find I will settle for eggies...yummy!!
Fabulous blog candy,I have some High Hopes stamps and love them,I have made cards with 2 of them so far and am looking forward to using the others.Thankyou for your inspiration and introducing me to High Hopes Stamps.My favourite easter craving would be Cadbury Cream Eggs......YUMMMM!!!!
Hugs Cheryl xx
What Hoppy Candy! Too cute! Your counter keeps moving so fast cuz your stuff just rocks!
Ok... I CRAVE and have to avoid like crazy... Reeses Peanut Butter Egg Cups... they are just better than the plain ole PB Cups.. don't know why - maybe it is just that flash back to easter morning, and how I would pull those out and hide them from my Dad.. they were his favorite too!
HUGS and off to add your candy to my candy bar-
I am so with MichelleO on this! When I first read Easter craving, I automatically thought of Reese's Eggs!! Oh, so much better!!! Yum!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Wow, amazing blog candy Ila! Congrats on your hits, you have an awesome blog, I just love coming here and looking at your beautiful creations! Thanks for the chance to win! (In case I do, I'm leaving on vacation and won't be back online until the 29th).
I have many Easter cravings, lol, but def. love the Reese's Eggs...and the Milky Way Bunnies! I think I'll go eat one now! ;) Yum!
I can see why you have so many hits - your blog is wonderful and always full of inspiration. I'm kinda shocked at my answer because I love anything sweet, but the first thing that came to mind when I thought of favorite Easter food was Deviled Eggs.
Fantastic Candy! Fantastic Blog!Full of inspiration!
My favourite Easter food is traditional... Simnel Cake...infact anything with a kid I used to get given a small basket full of marzipan fruits!Can't do that for my kids as they have nut allergies
That counter keeps going up because you and your blog are fabulous, my friend!! Thanks for the chance at the candy!! My fave Easter treat has to be mini eggs. I love those things!! Yummy!!! xx
That's easy! Cadbury's Creme Egg!! YUM!
Oh my gosh those stamps are cute! My favorite easter candy is the cadbury candy coated chocolate eggs. Can't get enough of them! I love your blog! Keep the inspiration coming!
I almost didn't see this before going to bed-I have some flu or crud or something. I am not much into Easter type treats-but I do love jelly beans but just all year long and only certain flavors. Peanut butter, coffee and cinnamon. I know that's an odd mix, but Jelly Belly stores lets you pick the ones you like from bins. The ones I can't stand-licorice and buttered popcorn. EWWWw.
That's some awesome blog candy. My favorite Easter food is CANDY, Robins Eggs. Love those malted things.
Hi Ila,
what a great candy, wow.
It's really awesome.
My favourite Easter Candy are Chocolate crocant eggs and a special kind of chocolate filled with Caipirinha.
In Germany the people eats lots of chocolates.
Have a good time.
Petra from Germany
Hi Ila! Great candy, thanks for the chance. Ma favorite are easter eggs. :) I don´t eat much eggs troughout the year, but I love them for Easter. :)
x Natasha x
Congrats on having so many hits...You have awesome creations and a great blog...The candy is also great...As for Favorite I have to say it's a chocolate bunny...Yummy...Thanks for the chance to win...Hugs Kristina
Hi Ila, Fab Candy, I have linked you on my Blog.
I would go for anything savoury, don't have much of a sweet tooth but a few marshmellow eggs won't go amiss.
Thank you for offering these cute candies. You may say I'm "simple" but I loooove these cheap chocolate eggs you can buy here in the Easter time everywhere ;)
Jay Jay
Ila huge congratulations! Your creations are so wonderfully made and thanks for offering yummy easter candy. Link is on my jubbly list and easter fave is mini chocolate eggs! Yummy.
Wow... so happy I just discovered your blog! Great and cute creations!! And thanks for sharing some lovely blog-candy!!!! Someone, somewhere will be very happy with it...I can only dream it's me! :)
And me... I really love a great chocolat-eastern-egg!!!! Yummy!!!
Saskia xx
**your blog is at my 'candy-bar'**
what a nice candy.. yummie!!
my fav.easter craving ?? easterbread (this is so yellow and yummie) and CHOCOLATE eggs filled with... mmmmhh yummie
thanks for the chance to win this candy hugs syl
PEEPS!!! We all eat them the minute their in the stores...
(Pattie's passion)
I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!!
Hope all is well with you. My favourite is a chocolate egg (small one):-).
Hope you have a great day. Anesha:-)
What an awesome blogcandy you have Ila!! Love those HH bunnies! My favourite is chocolate easter eggs. I am a chocolate addict so easter is the most wonderful time of the year *LOL*.
Hugs, Sandra
What a yummy candy Ila! Congrats on so many hits. My favourites are chocolate eggs with marzipan.Thanks for the chance to win.
I can see why you have so many hits - your blog is wonderful and always full of inspiration.
The candy is also great. Those stamps are so cute! Thanks for the chance to win. I really love a great chocolat-eastern-egg!
Kari :-)
Hi Ila, thankyou so much for the chance, fabulous candies on offer and gorgeous high hopes goodies. I dont really have a fave easter treat, I love the eggs, but not the goodies that are inside them lol.shall spread the word.
Great candy, I haven't got any HH stamps yet and these cute bunnies would certainly start me off. It's very kind and generous of you to give us the chance to win them, thank you very much. Congrats on all your hits, I,m not suprised, your creations are fantastic.
My favourite Easter treat has to be Cadbury's Caramel Eggs.
Off to pop you in my candy jar!
Hi Yla,
What a great candy and the sweet high hopes they so cute.Love them and then my favorite are chocolat eggs(yummy).
Big hugs from Holland,Agnesxx
Wow , great candy.
My favorite candy is chocolate eggs. And then the white chocolate.
Gorgeous candy Ila.I love to have a tasty roast dinner on Easter Sunday preferably lamb.I also love traditional simnel cake as I love rich fruit cake and marzipan.I've added a link to my blog.
Cass xxx
Nice candy, I have written about it in my blog:-)
My favorite candy has to bee the easter egg!!
hi Ila
oh what lovely candy thank you for the chance, i will link it to my blog.
Oh its gota to easter eggs i luv em, the little ones with the crispy sugar shell, could scoff whole bag on me own!!! Sue.x
oooh gotta be Cadbury's creme eggs, I love them, and they bring them out earlier now so by Easter I have had enough of them and don't feel so desolate when they are finished lol
lovely candies hun
Amanda xxx
ps I've linked u to my candy box :o)
What a wonderful candy, love those bunnies.
I'm the same as Scotspanda I adore Cadbury's creme eggs.
Has to be chocolate for me!
Gorgeous stamps - off to link from my blog.
Jenni x
y love blog candy...your is...wonderful. thank you.Bay bay Patty
Great candy! It's so nice of you to offer! Congrats on so many hits! your blog is wonderful!
Every Easter I crave the Cadburry Mini eggs that come in the purple bag. They only come out during Easter and they are my favorite candy!! i can't wait to get some!
It is not original but chocolat is my favorite treat! Thanks for the chance to win :) whole family soon as the pastel hits the shelvs, my home is flowing with Cadbury Cream Eggs. Yuummmmyyyy!!!!
Thanks for the candy opportunity!
Thanks for the chance of winning candy it looks fab. My fav Easter treat would have to be Cadbury's Cream Eggs, so scrummy. Have added a link on my blog. Bev x
Awesome stamps! My favorite Easter craving is chocolate covered peanut butter eggs. Yum!
I just LOVE chocolate, I LOVE every kind of chocolate, chocolate eggs, chocolate bunnies, you name it! Don't have a favorite, I LOVE IT ALL!! LOL.
Thanks for the chance dear, your candy looks yummy! :o)
Hugs, Naoual
Malted milk eggs!!! I look forward to them ALL year lol
What a wonderful candy, lovely bunnies. My favorite Easter treat has to be Easter cake.
I have put a link for your candy on my right sidebar.
Mike & Ike's Jelly beans. I stock up.
WOW! What great candy!! Would love to have any of it. Pick me!! Pick me!! {hand in the air waving like a crazy woman}.
My favorite Easter craving... Reese's PB eggs! Yummy! Happy Easter all.
Wow what lovely candy for Easter, yum,yum. Now i loves hot crossed buns, toasted with lots of butter :)
Hugs Sonia x
Cadbury mini eggs!! :) Definitely!
I am definitely a "Peeps" seems you either love 'em or hate 'em, there is no in between! Even though they have started making these marshmallow candies for all holidays, I still only purchase them at Easter time, crazy huh?
Fab candy Ila, I'll put a link and pic on my blog. Hmmmm easter treat, well it would be a nice cooked sunday dinner, I know, its pathetic but I could really do with a day off from cooking lol. Hugs DawnM.xx
THAT is the type of candy I love!! See, I don't eat gelatin or a lot of the colours used to make candy look cute, so I basically stick with chocolate and scrappy/stampy goodnesses. That's what I can't resist, really!
Now, I also loooooove some traditional Swedish pickled herring around Easter time (and X-mas... and Midsummer. We're pretty set on having it at EVERY big holiday! *grins*) so that has to be my reply, I think... ;)
My link is here.
What great blog candy! Those stamps are super adorable! I've got to say that I LOVE the Reese's peanut butter eggs!! I should avoid them---but simply can't!
Hi Ila!! Well.... I'm the only person I know who hates chocolate, and in fact I don't have a sweet tooth at all so everyone loves me at Easter - they get all my eggs and candy!!
But I do love just a plain (no butter!) warm, hot cross bun! Yummy!!! Hope everyone has a fabulous Easter!!
oooh sweet goodies! not sure if I have an 'Easter' craving per say...but I do love the cadbury eggs with the hard shell.
Chocolate and more chocolate! Thats all I am craving!
A gorgeous candy Ila, thanks for the chance. And in answer to your question, mines not food or candy its more stamps, especially these cute bunnies!
Thank you for the opportunitie to win a great candy!
Off course I like chocolat but what I like the most is being together with the people I love. This year we are going to have easter a little bit different. We are going to my parents house and we will have a brunch (breakfast at 13:00 o clock) and it is a surprise what we will get.
well my craving is always blog candy... and this was is super yummy.
As for edible cravings... for Easter I love those chocolate eggs that have the white and yellow cream inside. I love it when its very fresh and all gooey inside.
Thank you for the chance to win My favorite Easter craving is Easter cake
What yummy candy. I love HH images but don't own any yet. Thanks for the chance to win. I love your blog.
Hi Ila, my favourite easter food are cadbury's mini eggs (yum yum!). Thanks for the chance to win this lovely candy, I'm off to link now.
Liza x
Thanks for hosting the candy and for including those of use that don't have blogs. I'm much more a reader/follower then a poster.
MINI EGGS all the way for my fave Easter treat. Love em, and even when Easter is over, you can crust them and use them for baking. Thanks for the chance to win.
Thanks for offering blog candy - I think my favourite must be the Simnel cake as I simply love marzipan and it seems even nicer when baked and gooey in the middle of a rich fruit cake.
Val W
I crave cadbury chocolate creme eggs :) and they have to be fresh otherwise the inside gets grainy and then its not as good .
I adsolutely adore those Cadbury Mini Eggs. I buy tons of them every Easter.
Well on the candy side it would have to be something really dark chocolatey.
Most of all it would be baked ham and scalloped potatoes. I am not a sweets person.
Make sure you read that right. I really am a "sweet person" but I don't care for sweets that much.
oh Ila what fabulous blog candy - and I do so like those bunnies after seeing the fabulous cards you and the HH DT have been making, so I would love to win them! My favourite Easter treat has to be hot-cross buns, full of spice and fruit, and here in Cornwall a touch of safron too! delecious warm from the oven or split and toasted with butter oozing .. .. mmmmmmm! hugs, annie x
Oh wow what a fantastic candy Ila!
I post about your candy on my blog.
I love easter eggs.
What yummy candy! Thanx for the chance, those stamps are so cute.
Have put a link on my sidebar.
Trish (-:
Mine would have to be Reese's PB eggs, YUM!!! Awesome blog candy, thanks for the chance!
Hmmm, my favourite easter craving would have to be cadbury mini eggs. I buy a bunch during easter then I buy a bunch more after easter when they go on sale =) Thanks for doing this candy and keep up the amazing work!!!
Hi, I am new to your blog, came over from Three Clovers Designs, and before I forget, Peeps are my fav. Easter treat. I am thrilled with what I quickly see on your blog and will be back for sure. I love the fact that the first couple of cards I see were colored with Prisma pencils. That is what I use and love. I also have not explored the High Hopes stamps, but they are darling and I would love to add them to my toy.....err, stamp room. Thank you for your generous Candy offer. Linda S. in NE
oooh sweet goodies! thank you for the chance
I love Easter eggs
Well of course, chocolate Easter eggs, especially ones with peanut butter.
But food would probably be the homemade scalloped potatoes and ham dinner we have.
Thanks for the chance to win the awesome candy!!!
Really generous candy, thanks for the chance of winning. My favourite thing for Easter would be Cadburys Chocolate Button Easter Egg mmmmmmm.
Oh those bunnies are so cute !
my favourite easter treat is cadbury mini eggs, yum yum yum !
thanks for the chance to win XX
Ohhhh gorgeous candy Ila. Thanks for the chance to win this. I've added a link onto my sidebar. Michele x
Well after seeing your gorgeous card with the bunny on Ila, I just have to enter your candy! Thanks for offering this wonderful stash and congrats on your blog counter hits! I'll add a link from my sidebar to advertise the candy!
My fave Easter food is Hot Cross Buns with real butter on, Mmmmmmm! xx
What fab blog candy Ila - my favourite Easter treat has to be English Cadbury's Chocolate eggs, mmm! Can't beat that!
What fabulous work you do - I will definitely be back for more visits!
Hugs, Danielle
This one is TOO easy. Cadbury chocolate eggs. They are the ones in the purple package - hard candy shell covering rich, creamy, milk chocolate....ok, on my way to the store.
My favourite easter the french toast breakfast that we traditionally have. I usually make a strawberry sauce..yum! Love the blog! The candy looks great too. It will be a great treat for the lucky one who wins!
My favourite easter treat is hot cross buns, and Mars, Lindor or chocolate truffle eggs.
JELLY BEANS!!!!!uuuuuuummmmmmmyummmmmy!!! Awesome candy Ila!
Those bunnies are so cute!! My Easter craving is chocolate covered coconut eggs... which I can only get at Easter!
Wow, Ila what a wonderful candy. Congrats on so many hits. My favourites are "yummy" chocolate eggs. Thanks for the chance to win. I link you on my sidebar....
Great blog candy Ila. My fav at easter is Cadbury's Mini eggs. I keep trying to make easter gifts with them at the moment but I'm not getting far as I kep eating them lol
Delish candy Ila, and congrats on all the hits. My favourite Easter treat is Thorntons white chocolate eggs, mmmmm. lol
I've linked your candy in my side bar x
fantastic blog candy!!
my favorite is anything with chocolate. but my all time fave is purdys mint chocolate bars. soo good. and cadbury mini eggs, or the big ones heehee!
Gorgeous blog candy, just love those cute little rabbits. My fav easter food has to be the eggs!!!. My fav one would have to be a galaxy minstrels or a Thorntons one. Have popped you a link on my blog.
Lyndsey xx
Darrel Lea hand rolled eggs. The only problem is...which one to choose! Roasted Almonds, or 100's and 1000's. But then, I might like their nougat stuffed egg better if I was ever lucky enough to get one before they were all sold out (hasn't happened yet). Nothing quite like eating a large easter egg before breakfast.
Fantastic candy Ila :) Love your blog too :) Have added a link to your candy on my blog.
My fav Easter treat is easy - I get a few extra days off work to craft! (oh, and some galaxy chocolate - not a silly little egg - a real bar!!!)
Carol x
Great candy, those bunnies are soooo cute!! I really like black jellybeans. Anything chocolate works too. thanks for the chance to win.
Hi Ila, love your blog fab candy, Can I please be in the draw. I love hot cross buns at easter time. Take care Bernie xx
Hi Ila, what awesome blog candy.I love Easter eggs.
Hugs from Brasil!
Wow what amazing candy! Thank you for all the insipration you have given me you more than deserve all the viewer you have!
As for you question well I just love sour haribo I could eat a whole pack to myself in one sitting if I didn't stop myself :)
X Amy X
Great candy,I love those bunnies.Stamps from HH are great.
I loved small chocolate eggs.
Thanks for the chance to win
Like the High Hopes stamp images! No question about it... I love chocolate of any kind! Thanks!
Great candies. I like chocolates.
Hi Ila thanks for the chance to win the yummy candy, I have not really got a favourite easter food for myself but what I do love is seeing my grand-children eating their Easter Eggs....
This is great blog candy! My favorite would be chocolate covered marshmallow bunnies and jelly beans!! Gotta have jelly beans!
Jodi =)
What yummy looking Candy! is it chocolate? Thanks so much for offering these up , Oh did I mention my fav candy would have to be Chocolate! Dark Chocolate...I have linked you to my sidebar
Love your blog!
Hugs Cathy
We in Russia for Easter shine in the church Easter cake, and I love it. Here's how it happens
On the next morning, we eat this consecrated Easter cake. Sorry for the long message:)
Great blogcandy! Thanks for the chance to win!
I became a follower and posted a link on my blog:
Those bunnies are delicious! :) My favorite Easter treat are the mini-cadbury eggs. I look forward to them every year!!
Hello Ila - love the candy! The bunnies are absolutely adorable. My favorite easter food would be peanut butter eggs dipped in yummy chocolate! I posted a link on my blog. Thanks for the chance!
Fabulous blog candy!! The bunnies are SOOOO cute!!!
Without a DOUBT my Easter craving is those darn Cadbury candy coated chocolate eggs! I look forward to them all year, then I eat an entire bag by myself!!
I am so totally in love with those bunnies,they are soooo stinkin' adorable Ila!!! What a fabulous offering of candy, whoohoo! And, my fave Easter candy is the cadbury eggs, the ones with the little hard shells - total YUM! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex
I have high hopes of winning your blog candy. Congrats on the hits, I stop daily!
How cute are these bunnies!?! Thanks for the opportunity to win these cuties.
I don't really have any real Easter cravings...but I do love those Rice Krisp Chocolate Bunnies...yummy! :0)
Cute!! Love the bunnies.
Easter favorites? Either the spiced jelly beans or the cadbury. love both the original cream eggs and the mini ones with the shells. I stock up on them and put them in my deep freezer so I can enjoy them longer!
Wow, what lovely Easter Candy...Those stamps are, of course, to die for...We have Easter at my house and I always have ham and swiss cheess on pumpernickle bread along with potatoe salad, pickles blackeyed peas, an stuffed eggs...the stuffed eggs are my favorite...We do have more knick nacks on the table, especially for the men who like the 'hot' stuff, like rotel dip with chips, pigs in a blanket, etc. Thanks Ila for the chance to win... :)
Hi such adorable stamps
love those little Cadbury Eggs.. dark chocolate ones Yummy
Thank you so much for the chance
Huggs Nikki
Oh, what lovley candy!
My craving for easter is egg halves decorated with mayonnaise, caviar and shrimp, yummie!
I added you to my sidebar at
Great Blog Candy. My Favorite at Easter:
Marshmallow Bunnies (covered with Chocolate) and Jelly Beans!!!
Congrats on the hits! ;)
Ohh are these bunny`s cute or what... I can make some room for these lovely ones.
Hi from Italy! Fantastic candy, I love that Bunny stamps! I just put a link to my candybar. My favourite easter craving are Easter eggs, with white chocolate inside! Thanks for a chance to win!!
Fab candy Ila and thanks for the chance to win.
My favourite easter craving has to be a Cadburys chocolate buttons easter egg, no other egg will do.
Problem being i never get one ! Oh well at least i wont be putting on weight.
Jill x x
Wow fab candy Ila i think my fave easter candy is chocolate mini eggs mmmmmm thanks for the chance to win some cal free goodies :)
Mel x
I like plain chocolate mini eggs or plain M & Ms in the pretty spring pastel colors.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Wow! I would love to win one of your prizes! The stamps are wonderful and I don't have any of them! favorite Easter food?
Ham ,I guess!
Great blog candy and will definately post on my blog.
Gosh would have to say Caramello Eggs are my easter cravings. Not the small ones either the big ones. They just melt in your mouth. Oh so scrummy.
Hi, what a nice blog you have and such wonderful happy cards you make :o) The stamps are soo coute, i have no HH-stamps, so that would have been great ;) My must-have food for easter is some yummy candy-eggs we get here in Norway for Easter..but I also need boiled Real eggs for breakfast during easter:) All the best, Cesilie "stamp-addict" :o)
On easter I love it to eat a Carinthian Speziallity - the
KÀrntner Reindling (
Its white bread filled with sugar, raisins and cinnamon. Only on Easter we eat this with smoked ham on the bone and horseradish. It tasts very very good also if no one can imagine ;O)
Greetings from Austria
OH I am sooooooo loving these little bunnies, fingers crossed here. My vice is black jelly beans at Easter and my family is grossed out by them. I just buy the bags of black alone! Yummy. Thanks for the opportunity!
My favorite Easter craving...spending Easter Sunday with my grandparents...and having Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs in my Easter Basket :)
Would you believe I don't eat chocolate! My favourite thing about Easter is going for walks and seeing all the new lambs - they are so cute!
Thanks for the chance to win such amazing candy, I will link you on my blog (where I have candy on offer too!)
Jen x
I love hot cross buns with extra sultanas! I have added you to my blog sidebar giveaway list. Thanks for the chance to win the gorgeous bunny stamps!
MMMMMM HOT CROSS BUNS. I've linked youin my side bar.
mmmmm hungry now
Hugs Kaylou xoxo.
OH...this would be a cute candy to win. I love it. I crave....Chocolate. Love Dove Chocolate. Happy Easter.
Oh, I love those bunny stamps!!
My favorite Easter candy is Reese's pastel eggs (very lightly coated peanut butter). YUM.
Thanks so much for the chance! Your card below is gorgeous!!!!
Yay Ila! Your blog is outstanding no wonder the hit counter is going crazy!!
My fav would definitely be Reese's PB eggs, so much better tahtn cups...not sure why, but I love 'em!!
Linked to you on my sidebar as well:-)
Have a super weeekend,
Wow, what a lovely blog candy!! Thank you so much for the chance to win! My link is My fav craving is Easter cake!!!!!!!!
Lovely candy! Thanks for the chance to win.
My favourite Easter treats are chocolate eggs :)
tvici @ luukku . com (remove the spaces)
Love your blog and the inspiration you give us. My favorite Easter craving is the smell of the Easter Lily, I just love it.
i'm into the stamped images now. this would be some yummy yummy candy for me. thanks for the opportunity. and i just love how you colored in the bunny. great job!
Holy smokes, that is some seriously YUMMY blog candy. Love those stamps.
My easter craving is always my mother's dinner. As a mom, I am always cooking for other people, but I love it when my Mom cooks for us, plus she is a much better cook than I. Thanks for the chance to win!
Hi there
what an awesome candy. Congrats on your hits. This time of year I crave Cadburys mini eggs. My mom usually sends them from Wales to me as the hersheys made ones just don't taste the same. I linked you on my blog.
Nic's Blog
Thank you for the chance to win! My favorite Easter candy has to be the Reese's peanut butter eggs! Yum!
Oh, what a candy you're offering! Please, count me in!;)
my favorite Easter candy would be Easter egg, as simple as ot sounds, we eat them a lot around easter in every food its make.:D ...funny dough...Thank you for a chance to win! Have fun!
Hi Ila,
Thanks for the chance to win these gorgeous stamps, my favourite Easter candy is Cadburys Cream Eggs!!mmmm and no bunny's are harmed in the process!!tee hee
Sue xx
what a great candy! Thanks for this great chance!
my favourite candy/food would be cadbury caramel easter eggs *lol*
greetings from Germany!
As far as I read the post it doesn't have to be food that I crave? Mine is a bit of a wierd craving-but it's bunny anything! I love animals and have house bunnies but at Easter there's bunnies everywhere so it's a fab time of year for me with bunny galore blogs and so forth!!!
Oh ila such wonderful blog candy yummy stamps to go with my fav easter food... it had to be lindt chocolate i just love it!
hugs trak xxxx
Fab blog candies! I just posted your blog candies on my blog. I hope I win *crossing fingers & toes*. My fav easter carving are those chocolate eggs with the sugar inside that looks like egg whites and yolks. I forgot what it's call...haha.
I wanted to let you know that I am now a Canadian Stampin' Up! Demonstrator so if you want any SU goodies you know where to get it from. My site is I've also made a post on my blog and have the link on the side of my blog.
Oh Ila what a wonderful bog candy you have here. Those HH stamps look so yummy!!!!!! I have my order coming but not those lol
Big Congrats on your hits dear that is just awesome numbers.
Well my favorite Easter Candy is the Cadbury Carmel Eggs. ooh la la Sooooo GOOOOOOD
Hugs dear
What fab blog candy and card! Thanks for this chance. I have already added you to my sidebar.
To answer your question: Figolli. Its a traditional Maltese food cooked only at Easter made from sweet pastry and almonds. Some people cover it with icing but I'd rather use chocolate. You can find a photo on my blog HERE
Fabulous candy! This is so generous of you. My favorite easter candy is chocolate turtles.. yummy! :) Thanks for the chance to win.
Hi Ila
Great blog candy. My favourite thing for Easter are the Cadbury eggs. I'm alo fund of black chocolate. Thanks for a chance to win!
I love yor cards. They are so beautiful...and what great candies! My favorite food for Easter is Lamb with garlic-potatoes. mmmm...
Best Regard
Hanne K
Waw what gorgeous candy, really love to win it! My fav candy is chocolate eggs! I linked you on my blog! Hugs, Moni
gorgeous card Ila, and I'm not surprised at the amount of hits you get, your cards are amazing. My favourite food at Easter is the chocolate eggs, I'm a choc-aholic hugs Jill xx
ps I've added a link about your candy on my side bar x
What Hoppy Candy! Too cute!
I posted a link on my blog. Thanks for the chance!
hugs from germany
Wow, what fabulous candy Ila, thank you for letting us have the chance to win it! My favourie thing about easter are Cadbury's Mini Eggs, they are just delicious!!!
xx :0)
I love this blog candy, and haven't had a chance to get them, would love to win. My favorite thing at Easter is all the lovely blooming flowers! Ah, Spring!
Hi Illa
Hope you are doing fine, nice candies :) my favorite candy for Easter is chocolate bunnies :)
Have a good weekend
Amazing candy & your creations are awesome, I love the small sugar coated mini egges(cadburys) none left when the pkt. gets opend. off to link this brill candy to my side bar.
hugs Christine xx
wow,,, very cool candy,, thanks for the chance to win. My favorite candy is chocolate ANYTHING. :)
well what's Easter if you cannot indulge inyour favourite egg (mine is Galaxy) so smooth and creamy thanks for the chance to win i to have candy if you wish to check it out
Hugs Debra xx
Wonderful thank you for the chance to win.
I love spring and the flowers
Hi Ila :o)
I love this blog candy, and haven't had a chance to get them, would love to win.
It is a great candy!! Thanks for the chance to win.
I love your cards.
And i love chocolat-eastern-eggs.
What great Blog Candy , my favourite Easter Food has to be Hot Cross Buns drooling with butter, (well just for Easter you understand
Ila what a great question had to read some of these and although I love candy I want a Honey baked Ham! I love them. Thanks so much for the chance at these fabulous stamps!
wow gorgeous candy love the stamps, i love Easter because every thing is bursting into life and of course a yummy egg always goes down well lol. luv gina xx
What yummy blog candy!! Speaking of candy, I love Cadbury creme eggs and mini eggs. I look forward to them all year...needless to say, I never give up chocolate for lent!
Hi Ila, I'm posting from our iPod from Mexico. I have two favorite Easter candies and they are Cadbury's mini eggs and cream eggs. Thanks for the chance to win some great candy.
Wow! Thanks for the chance at such great blog candy! My favorite Easter candy is Jelly Beans. I only seem to crave them at Easter! LOL
Eggs! Deviled or chocolate! Love your candy offerings. I have not yet had the pleasure of High Hopes stamps.
Congrats!I'm not surprised that your counter is as high as it is(and climbing;) )because your blog is Fantastic!Thank you for the opportunity!My fav Easter treat is Chocolate Crisp Bunnies!
hi what a great blog candy ilike to eat easter chocolade eggs greets diana
I love the cards that you have made with these stamps. I really, really need some Easter stamps and I haven't been able to find anything I like locally.
Thanks for the chance!!!
Fabulous candy Ila. My favourite Easter treat would have to be cadburys creme egs, they are just yummy. I have posted a link to your candy on my blog. Hugs, Lainy xxx
ohhhhh!!! what lovely yummy candy thanks for the chance to win this I am just going to link it now
Hugs Jacqui x
Oh what scrummy candy hun, thanks for the chance to win :)
My favourite easter item is an easter cake my mum makes for us all every year, I am salivating with the thoughts of it lol.
I have put a link on my sidebar :0)
*hugs* Heather x
Wow gorgeous candy!
have posted to my blog!
fingers crossed!!!
Wonderful candy.. thanky ou for giving away such a treat. i have added you to my blog x
Thanks for the chance to win so beautiful blog candy.
Have added a link to my blog
My absolute easter craving is tiny sugar eggs thats filled with liqueur
What gorgeous Blog candy! Thanks for the opportunity. Here in Australia, my favourite Easter craving is my local hot bread kitchen's Mocha Chocolate-chip hot cross bun esp. when you butter it and heat it a little in the microwave oven - mmm - so YUMMY with a cup of coffee!
I just love cadbury's mini eggs and especially when they have been in the fridge. Thanks for the opportunity to win this lovely candy and I have linked you in my side bar!
Great Easter stamps, I haven't bought any of my Easter stamps yet.Hopefully I win so I can use these images. (LOL) Well my favorite craving is Chocolate cover in marshmallow bunny. Yummy. Thanks for the chance to win.
Fab candy! Thank you for the chance to win.
Fav craving .... I'm not a sweet eater, but love seasame snaps!!
Teri xx
thats a fab Candy.
My favorite sweets on Easter are Chocolate Eggs filled with "Eggliqueur".
My favourite easter thing is my family as our surname is Easter,
apart from that the time spent with the family as its a holiday together,
Thanks for the chance to win either of the candys,
just got into stamping so would adore the stamps, but am grateful for anything,
I'd live to win! Pick me, pick me!!!!
Hi Ila!
What a great candy!! I would love to win one of them! My favourite Easter craving is chocolate eggs.... My lovehandles are grown after Easter... :)
Leonie xx
Hi great candy. Well i am craving my 2nd craft club. We are a group that meet once a month from the DC forum and will be meeting easter sunday. Also my son is coming home for a visit. Cant wait counting the days. Food has to be hot cross buns with lemon curd. Yummy. Hope you have a great easter and have linked your blog on my sidebar
I love Reeses Easter eggs. Thank you for the chance to win such cute blog candy!
Wow so many hits well done. I love your blog candy. My favourite easter candy is Cadburys mini eggs cant get enough of them.xx
I love your blog and your blog candy.. My fav Easter food would be the robins eggs. They only come around at Easter and I love them. Another great Easter food is the Family dinner!!!Love it all!!! Hope you have a great Easter...Kelly Harris
What gorgeous candy Ila, thank you for the chance of winning this, I've linked to you on my sidebar.
My favourite food must be Hot Cross Buns naughty, but so nice!
These stamps are adorable! Hope I get chosen. Ã My favorite candy is Dove's chocolate truffle eggs.
I linked you on my blog.
My favorite Easter craving is deviled eggs. My mom makes the world's best deviled eggs. Even though I have been married for 30 years, I still love my mom's deviled eggs. I also like the smell of white vinegar when you make the egg dye. Anytime I smell white vinegar, it brings me back to dying eggs with my sister when we were kids. Thanks for reminding me of these great memories! Cathy
Wow, what fabulous candies, thanks for a chance to win! I will add the link in my sidebar, now. My favourites are chocolate eggs. :)
have a great day
What a wonderful blog candy! Thanks for the chance to win.
My fav Easter craving is chocolate eggs that have both milk and white chocolate in them. Delicious!
Greetings from Sweden!
Those bunnies are so sweet.
My fav candy for Easter is Cadbury Eggies! mmmmm....crunchy candy coating LOL
Thanks! Oh...linking you on my blog
Great blog candy Ila!
My favourite easter craving is simple; Hot Cross Buns. I love the sweetness of the mixed fruit and the smell of mixed spice/ cinnamon which fills your kitchen when you pop them in the toaster. This easter treat is best served with a nice cup of tea and for me beats candy hands down even chocolate LOL : )
Wishing you a happy easter!
Love both of these stamp sets ! Thanks for the chance to win,
Hugs Sarah-Jane xx
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