I have two more videos for you to enjoy...... one is a little graphic......so I'd like to share a little info about what you are seeing in the first video.
Just about every time a baby robin eats ....he poops. That makes for a pretty dirty nest!!...so the parents have to keep it clean in a very unique way. The baby robins poop is contained in a strong mucus bag...so the mother can carry it away in her beak with out it breaking....LOL...disposable diapers for birdies!!....Within seconds of feeding the baby robin poops...whichever parent robin has fed them also takes the waste away immediately ...keeping the clean nest.
When the baby robins are young...there is hardly any bacteria in the waste...it is mostly food....the worms and such that the parent robin feeds....so it is okay for the parent to injest it. Once the babies are a little older though.....it contains more bacteria.....so the parent carries it 20-50 yrds away and drops it in flight!! (more info about about all of this right here).
** This information was shared from the "Journey North Website". Be sure to check this very interesting and informative site out!!**
One of the most Amazing things I've noticed about all this....is that the Mother and Father share the work load. They take turns doing everything....Wow!! talk about modern day families...right?!! Today they were both flying around in the back yard.....it looked like they almost collided at one point and were talking like crazy....LOL...it almost looked like they were having an argument....Could it be????..............
Enough of my babble ....onto the video...double click to see the videos even larger.
Can't view it?.. click here This 2nd video is just of the Robin babies.....It's really Cute...cause the baby on the right will give the baby on the left a little lick......When I first saw this I was Amazed....to be sure the robin actually licked the other...I watched it on my camera in slow motion...Unfortunately I don't know how to show it to you all in slow motion....So just Watch carefully!.........This so reminds me of my son's little dog Chewbacca .....He's such a little licker and whenever he first comes over....he gives our dog Buddy a lick hello on his face....Which irritates the heck out of Buddy.....Haa haa ha!! Thanks for looking Everyone!!....Enjoy!!
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