These are the Prismacolor Pencils I used for this tutorial....
Sienna Brown - PC945
Light Peach - PC927
Process Red - PC994
Crimson Red - PC924
A word about shading....
Shading brings out the depth in an image. The nice thing about High Hopes Stamps is that the artist already shades on a lot of the images ....not sure where to shade?.....just look at the little dark marks she leaves in certain areas ......how easy is that?
The H20's I used for this tutorial were. ..
Chestnut Brown
Ruby Red
I use these 2 colors very often. A person generally needs fairly deep or dark colors.....depending on what prismacolor pencils are used for the base color.....all I'm doing is deepening the shade of those colors. If you don't have the right color you can also use regular cake watercolors, watercolor crayons or pencils.....just take your damp brush and run the long end across the crayon or pencil..and shade the area. I like to use H20's because they are so responsive with very little water....and of course ..who doesn't like the sparkle.....but sometimes I don't have the right color either.
I will name a few more colors that I use fairly often here though (not used in this tutorial)....but only because I have been asked what I use by so many. You will generally use colors you love to use on your projects now...so try to think of that when you buy your colors. It is not necessary to buy the big ones....the little ones will last for years.
Cinnamon Brown........Cedar Wood..........Sunburst...........Passion........Forrest green......Golden jade
Olive vine.......Cranberry........Poppy red...........Blue Flame...........Majestic blue...........Snapdragon
Rich Cobalt..........Icy Iris........Sweet Lavender.........China Black.......Chesnut Brown......Ruby Red
These are all only a guide....it really depends on the colors you like to use and see. I have also mixed a little of China Black with a color to make it darker. I just use my brush to dabble a little of the color on deli or waxed paper and add the tiniest bit of black. Since I usually only need a very small amount this works for me.
There is a new product that should be out soon or already is. They are called Pearlescent Water Colors from Yasumoto and they are very reasonably priced...they may work just as well as h20's. I really don't know very much about them other than that....but if anyone else does or has tried them please let me know how they work.
***Be sure to use the Acrylic paint last on your image.....They will cause a resist...meaning you can't go over them with either the prismacolor pencils, watercolor or ink. I use a stylus for the dots or a toothpick. I use a # 10 liner brush for the lines (on the feet). The paint I use is Delta white and Autumn Brown...but any brand acrylic brown and white will do. For years I have used a clear piece of plastic to overlay my finished image to put dots here and there or even a sentiment to see if I like it. I use any cheap clear plastic that pkg other items I've bought. I cut them down to card size and wipe them off after I use them. You can also use the plastic that comes with the Stampinup jig.
Leonie recently asks in the Tutorial #1 comment section:
I've a question about the paper stumps. They are pretty big and how do you make sure you don't cross the black line?
The paper stumps come in all different sizes....I use smaller point ones for finer areas. Hobby Lobby sells paper stumps in different sizes...if you can find an art store...you will have an even larger selection.
If you do go out of the line....it's really not a big deal .....Watercolorists do it all the time. But if it bothers you ....a white eraser or magic rub eraser can be used on its point to lighten the boo..boos. Rub from the outside of the image in. I will also be following this tutorial with a Background tutorial. ........after I do the background I never notice the little spots where I went over the line.
I can't think of anything else......feel free to ask me any questions!!
Thanks for looking!!...Have a Great Day!!
WOW, thanks so much for sharing your talent with those of us that are shading challenged, this was a great tutorial. Hae some h20's and have never used, but will try them now.
Well Ila, I have been quite versed with your two tutorials! I do not have H2o's nor do I have OMS, and my stumps are full of pastel chalks! So I am a mess! I better get with the program here!(wink)! Thanks! HUgs, Deb
Thanks for your answer and the 2nd tutorial! I've never seen this H2o but it looks great!!
Oh I have to try this too! :)
~ Leonie ~
i do not have questions... cause the one i had is ansewerd... the colors on h2o's you use the most :-)
i do have alreay a collection of paints but have only start using them when i saw what you did with them. when i bought them i used them to color my entire image and that did not look sooo good but for just the shades they really make a difference.
thanks Ila
Great Ila, thank you for sharing these wonderful tips with us. I have never used the H20's so would love to give this a go. Nikki x
wow! I have learned so much here...thank you for posting your wonderful tips!! I have a lot of practicing to do. :) ~Chris
What a great tutorial, I've always wondered how to use these, and your coloring always amazes me...yours is so much lighter than mine. Of course I had to go out and buy some of these today so I could try!! :) Thanks so much!
Ila, you will have all of us artists before you know it with these great tutorials! I didn't realize you use h2o's with it too. I have some but not the darker colors, so I will try this with some of the ones I have for now. I just placed a large order with High hopes and got Mike.... So excited. Thanks for the wonderful tutorial.
What a fantastic tutorial Ila, thank you for sharing!
Just a note about H2O's. I love them, but occasionally I want a color I don't have--or a lighter version of a dark one in my set. I have found that regular watercolor paint can be mixed with Luminex iridescent medium (from Michael's) to prooduce the missing H2O color/effect.
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